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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Programmers And Coders Wallpapers HD by PCbots

Salam, Its me Muhammad Usman From PCbots. Today i work on Coders Wallpapers. You can also say those Hackers Wallpapers because real hacker are programmers. I hope you peoples like it. So lets start. "Will Write Code for Coffee. Yeah by the way its really True, Most of time at night it feels same like this...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gaming Wallpapers HD - PCbots

Hacking, Coding and Gaming all connected to each other. So i thought this time lets bring some thing from gaming side. :D "Tom Clancy - GHOST RECON future soldier HD Wallpaper" "Hacking + Counter Strike = Perfect life" "Online Gaming - Keep clam and Blame the Lag" "Sony play station" "Gaming...